1952年東京生まれ、早稲田大学法学部卒、パリ大学法律経済学部博士課程。工学博士(東大)と経済学博士の二つの博士号を持つ。2016年から(株)堀場製作所社外取締役。現在は、東レエンジニアリング技術顧問と東レグループの水処理を担当する水道機工株式会社・取締役。音楽好きで、東京音楽大学特任教授。ミュージック・リベラル・アーツ学科で、「西洋音楽史」や「Music management」などを教える。
パリ大学を経た後、フランスのトップ理工系エリートスクールのEcole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussés国際経営大学院の副所長を6年間務め、帰国後、長銀総合研究所の主席エコノミストとして活躍。40代後半、東京大学大学院工学系研究科助教授に転身。工学と経済学の分野で二つの博士号を取得、都市開発分野で研究実績を残した。その後、世界銀行で都市開発に加わり、中国四川の都市開発設計を担当。
Dr Takeuchi is a former president of la Maison de la Culture du Japon à Paris. She is a scientific adviser to TORAY Engineering Co. Ltd. and an invited professor at the Tokyo College of Music Liberal Arts.
She started her academic career at the Institut des Sciences Mathématique et Economique Appliquées in Paris and taught at Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. She then became the vice president of an MBA course at Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, the top French engineering school.
After returning to Tokyo, she worked as an economist at Japan's Long Term Credit Bank. She then pursued an academic career in the engineering departments at the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University.
Dr Takeuchi holds two PhDs in engineering and economics. She participated in the Economic Strategic Council during Prime Minister Obuchi’s cabinet and started a Leadership Program at Nissan Scientific Foundation.
Internationally, she led many international projects after being nominated as an official candidate for OECD secretary general in 2016. She was the chair of the World Bank’s Global Fund for Disaster Reduction and Recovery from 2007-2010, followed by the JICA-JST project on environmental technology application.
She published several books and wrote many articles. Her books include:
-“Urban Policy”, Nihon Keizai Hyoron-Sha, 2006,
-“Urban System and Industrial System”, 2003,
-“Institutional Design of Public Management” NTT Publications, 2002,
-“Social Infrastructure toward the 21st Century”, 1999,
-“Universality and particularity of European Integration” PHP Institute, 1992.
The French government awarded her the Order of National Merit in 2005 and the Order of Arts and Literature ( L’Ordre National des Arts et des Lettres) in 2014.
She speaks fluent French and English.